
The Delaware Water Gap Celebration of the Arts Festival is still recruiting volunteers to assist at the Festival. Volunteer positions include hospitality, production, set up, security, and office assistance. This is an exciting and fun way to experience the COTA Festival from behind the scenes and meet new people!

Why Should You Volunteer? By volunteering for COTA, you participate in an incredible event in our community, make new friends, socialize and have fun! Join us in welcoming the many visitors and residents who celebrate the Festival each year.

Who Can Sign Up? We are looking for friendly, helpful, reliable volunteers to help with this exciting festival. Volunteers 18 and over are welcome.

What Will You Have To Do? Volunteers are asked to assist in various areas including but not limited to event set-up, visitor interaction, security, and site maintenance. (Please see list below)

How Do You Register? To volunteer for the Delaware Water Gap Celebration of the Arts Festival, click the blue button on the sidebar of this page or come to the next meeting! (Meeting dates and times can be found on the front page of the web site.)

Click for volunteer position list

Program Ad Sales Manager-Person needed to oversee the whole process of selling and collecting ads for the program and also collect and reconcile the money paid

Program Ad Salesperson-Person needed to physically go out and acquire new advertisers for our program

Back gate workers-Person will deal with signing in musicians and volunteers, help with directions and give out necessary supplies. Requires time on your feet, shifts are 2 hour intervals

Front gate workers-Person will sell tickets, help with wrist bands or sign people in. Shifts are 2 hour intervals and are standing shifts

Security-People needed to help oversee the festival and make sure everyone is adhering to the rules. Security also helps with parking. This is a labor intensive job and most volunteers do full days but full days are not required.

Physical plant-Person needed for general overseeing of the sight prior to the festival, setting up the site the days before and clean up afterwards. We always need extra people for clean up day in August, the Friday before the festival and the day after for clean up. Job is physically demanding. Mostly weekend work but only a couple of times per year.

Marketing/PR personnel-Person with prior experience preferred, writers that know how to target the media and can help us further our marketing efforts

Administrative-Person to pick up mail and distribute, retrieve voice messages, and do general admin stuff. Ex. Address letters and mailings, database upkeep, etc. Help stuff packets, return phone calls and do follow up phone calls for various departments. Year-round position.